







NO.3 Experimental Primary School of Chongzhou

简 介


崇州市第三实验小学校,简称“实验三小”,英文名称:NO.3 Experimental Primary School of Chongzhou。地属崇州市崇庆街道,位于文井江畔的滨江新城核心区。学校前身是历史悠久的西江九年制学校,2019年7月进行综合改革,成为一所校园文化彰显、课程特色明显、教学质量优秀的现代高品质小学校。

No.3 experimental primary school of Chongzhou ,which is located in the core area of BinJiang New Town by the bank of WenJingJiang River.The predecessor of the school is XiJiang nine-year school with a long history. Comprehensive reform was carried out in July 2019 to become a modern high-quality primary school with outstanding campus culture, obvious curriculum characteristics and excellent teaching quality.


The school has advanced information-based teaching equipment and intelligent campus platform, as well as a student growth center with rich functions (including performance center, artificial intelligence center, science and technology innovation center, colorful art workshop, genyun farm, reading corridor, etc.), providing more than 50 characteristic courses for children, such as computer programming, robot, 3D printing, paper cutting, clay sculpture, football, diabolo, dance, reading, etc .

学校围绕“厚德立根 慧学成韵”核心理念,以“根韵教育”为发展主题,秉承“知行相生 情智共长”的校训。通过打造“心志和畅、品性高洁、专业精湛、气质淳美”的高素质教师队伍,播种知识之根涵养人文之韵,厚植仁爱之根嘹亮道德之韵,生长思维之根释放智慧之韵,创生艺术之根绽放创美之韵,培养品行端庄、身心和美、学力强劲、个性丰盈的现代学子。

The school focuses on the core concept of “morality, wisdom and wisdom”, takes “genyun education” as the development theme, and adheres to the school motto of “knowledge and practice grow together, emotion and wisdom grow together”.By creating a high-quality teacher team with “peaceful mind, noble character, exquisite specialty, pure and beautiful temperament”, we should plant the root of knowledge, cultivate the humanistic rhyme, plant the root of benevolence, clear moral rhyme, grow the root of thinking, release the rhyme of wisdom, create the root of art, and cultivate modern students with dignified conduct, harmonious body and mind, strong learning ability and rich personality.


The school adheres to the idea of taking teachers as the root, students as the root and culture as the foundation. It has gradually developed into a modern high-quality primary school with environmental ecology, vitality, spirituality and elegant quality.

版权所有:成都市教育局 蜀ICP备20012329号-1 审批资质号:川教JG-20120009 网站标识码:5101000003
川公网安备 51019002001303号 技术支持:成都市教育技术装备管理中心   开发单位:成都云智博科技有限公司
地址:成都市锦城大道366号 联系电话:028-61881688
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